Music Minute Monday: Why is Subdividing Important?

Regardless of your instrument, learning how to subdivide rhythms is a paramount skill that every musician should master.

Subdividing helps us feel “in between” primary beats, such as quarter notes, and knowing what is in between those beats can help you “lock in” your tempo. You’ve most likely heard a drummer or bassist discuss being “in the pocket.” What they’re referring to is how accurate one’s sense of timing is. We’ve all heard the funny jokes about drummers knocking on doors and how they speed up.

Well… it’s kind of true for some of them! If they’ve not spent enough time practicing with a metronome, holding a steady tempo, or subdividing, chances are they’re not going to excel at “playing in the pocket.” The same can be said for guitarists and vocalists. 

One of the best things you can do for yourself is grab a metronome (ou can get free metronome apps on any device now, thank heavens), and begin counting along. Practice clapping quarter notes, then eighth notes, and eventually, move up to sixteenth notes. When you’re ready, there are plenty of websites that have sight-reading materials for free. They’re a massive help when you’re looking for easy rhythm practice counting.

Remember, it is always best to begin slowly, double check your counting, and then increase your speed. It takes time and patience (re: LOTS AND LOTS OF PATIENCE). You’ll get there. Just don’t throw the metronome across the room in the process — it is, after all, YOUR VERY EXPENSIVE PHONE.

Written By: Caitie Thompson
Co-Founder, Music On The Move Studios


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