3 Things Every Vocalist Should Have in their Gig Bag

We’ve talked about this before but, I feel as though there are truly more than 3 things everyone should have in their gig bag so here’s part 2!

Every performer has a gig bag just like people who work 9 to 5’s have their briefcases, tote bags, what have you! Your necessary items you take with you to get your job done! So, what should a vocalist pack in their bag? Here are my top 3…

  1. Water bottle.

    Seems obvious, yes however, you would be amazed at how many times I have to remind my students to drink water! Your voice is your instrument and it is also a muscle that is working overtime for you so, keep it hydrated and happy! Just in case you’re wondering, no, your gin and soda does not count as hydration, it’s actually dehydrating. So, should you choose to indulge in an adult beverage (or anything that isn’t water or hot tea,) make sure you also have your water!

  2. Some form of throat lozenge.

    Whether you keep lozenges in your bag for recovery or a pre-show ritual, they are essential to keeping your voice happy! Sucking on a throat lozenge or a hard candy such as a peppermint increases saliva production which helps to keep your throat moisturized, just like water! Cough drops can be good for after a gig to help recovery however, avoid cough drops containing menthol as it’s a drying agent and will do the exact opposite of what you want.

  3. Your own microphone.

    Not all gigs provide a microphone and sometimes the microphones they do provide don’t work! Not to mention the amount of other singers that have shared those microphones (Gross!) Find a microphone you like and keep it in your bag so you can be prepared, even if you don’t end up using it.

Luckily most of these things are small and compact so you don’t have to lug around a giant bag. (Unless you’re like me and you use your obnoxiously loud Ron Jon Surf Shop bag because it’s easy to find and no one will take it!) If you’re just starting to gig regularly, I would suggest having one bag that’s your designated gig bag (or your guitar case for those of us who play guitar,) and keeping it packed & ready to go so you’re always ready!


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