How to Make A Content Creation Studio on a Budget

Listen, I think it’s fair to say we performers did the best with what we had when live streaming RULED ALL in 2020. Right? Right. Now that we’re past the live streaming *era* and well in to our “Content Creation” eras, I think it’s also fair to say that some of us are still lost as to how to even start making a space in which you can create content! So, we decided to give you a handy-dandy BUDGET-FRIENDLY list of things you can get to start your own unique space!

  1. A backdrop. It could be anything you have lying around that would look nice behind you or, maybe some wall art you’ve been meaning to move. Either way, you want something fairly adaptable to what you’re trying to create. Fun Fact: The curtain everyone sees in my videos isn’t actually covering up a window. I just hung it because I was doing an hour-long live stream and wanted to make it look as “professional” as possible. Fake it ‘til you make it at its finest!

  2. Something to hold your phone or tablet! Take it from me, propping it up on books, cleaning products, Amazon boxes, your Cat’s cat tree (yep), can only work for so long. At around $10 a pop, phone and tablet holders are an easy investment to make and easily portable!

  3. Good lighting. You don’t have to buy those massive tripod stand ring lights to get lighting you want! The one I have is small and has a large clamp on the end so you can take it pretty much anywhere you need to! You can also just use some spare lamps you have in your house. Lighting makes everyone look better, when done at the right angle so, make sure you adjust accordingly!

Some other things you can grab that aren’t a necessity but could be useful are a USB microphone with an adapter to plug in to your phone. If you aren’t skilled with garage band or, any other programs like that, you can simply get a microphone that can plug in to your device! This is especially helpful if you are a vocalist or someone who mostly speaks in videos. There are also Bluetooth lapel microphones (the ones that clip to your top like on the news or, talk shows) available.

You don’t need to go crazy and invest in  all this new equipment in order to feel like you’re putting out solid content. Chances are, you have most of what we’ve listed!

What are some things you’ve found helpful or, want to know more about? Let us know in the comments!


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