New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep - Part 2

This New Year’s Resolution for your voice may seem like a stretch but believe-you-me, it’s an affective habit that will not only improve your voice but your overall well-being!

Start treating your voice like the muscle that it is!

When you treat your voice like a muscle, it will start to respond accordingly. More endurance, more strength, more power, more agility, you name it! Putting in the work doesn’t just end when practice does!

Here are two easy habits to start implementing in to your daily life to help improve your voice:

Drink More Water.

It sounds SO easy but water is essentially the answer to many ailments. Our bodies are made up of 45%-60% water and that is to maintain our daily lifestyles.

Much like in exercise, we drink water not only to make up for the water we are losing when we sweat but also, to keep our bodies hydrated and motivated to keep moving!

Singing is no different. Your voice is a muscle and wants to be hydrated. Think about how dry your throat feels after a long day of talking or singing. You get incredibly thirsty because your body is craving the extra hydration needed to maintain its everyday functions.

Maintaining a healthy water intake is one way to make sure your voice stays healthy every day not just on heavy singing days!

PRO TIP: If you are singing quite a bit, try to take a sip or two of water after every song to keep the vocal folds well lubricated.

Exercise regularly.

Now hold on, don’t leave just yet!!! I didn’t just ask you to run a marathon or go join cross fit just to improve your singing. (Absolutely not, thank you.) I simply said, exercise regularly. Go walk for 15 minutes (fresh air is not only good for your body but also your mental health!), do a fun yoga routine, walk up and down your stairs a few times! The obvious result is a healthier cardiovascular system which also improves your breathing, your endurance, and your support for when you sing. The not-so-obvious result is that the increased physical activity also helps to relieve tension in your muscles, including your voice, as well as giving you an energy boost right before you sing!

So, go grab you a fancy water bottle that makes you happy, download a new album to listen to, a book, or catch up seasons 1 & 2 of Paradox Jukebox and get to moving! You’ll be amazed at how quickly your voice reacts to these positive habits!


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