It’s Small Business Week! Here’s 3 Ways You Can Support Your Favorite Small Business (Read: us!)

There’s a National day for pretty much everything, every day, it seems! But this one we are particularly excited for because it is Small Business Week, designed for you the consumer, to support us, the “little guy” as it were. We love a good underdog story, don’t we?

We’ve collaborated on the 3 easiest ways to support your favorite local small business, whether it be your friendly, every day Music on The Move Studios ;), a podcast such as Paradox Jukebox or The Quinn Spinn, or a retail store like one of our many friends and vendors from our showcases!

Fun fact: even musicians are considered “small businesses” so, this applies to them as well!

  1. Follow them on Social Media & sign up for their mailing list!

    It’s free, it’s easy, and it takes a grand total of .2 seconds to do! Believe it or not, the numbers on social media and mailing lists actually help with your favorite small business’ marketing strategy. If they are looking for potential brands to collaborate with, bigger brands look at their social media & mailing list numbers (also knows as “reach”) to figure out if the collaboration would be beneficial or not.

    Secondly, when you follow your favorite small business, and their numbers grow, it will tell the “algorithm overlords” who likes their page and bring more awareness of the business to like-minded people! It’s a domino affect!

  2. Share & Refer

    Word of mouth is the easiest way to help a small business grow! Think of the last time you bought something without looking at the reviews first. Or, the last time you listened to a podcast or new artist without it popping up on your “suggested for you” page. Sharing via social media, text, email, actual conversation (gasp!) is an amazing way to help a small business.

    Most small businesses offer referral bonuses as well when you help them grow as an added bonus! You have friends that trust your opinion, use that influence to help out your favorite small business!

  3. Buy Something.

    It’s so simple yet so affective! While the above recommendations aren’t necessarily monetary, your small business can’t stay in business on dreams and ambition alone! You don’t have to buy the most expensive thing but, just by purchasing something from a small business, you’re supporting that person’s dreams and ambition, which in turn, helps them continue to keep dreaming bigger and bigger!

    But what if my favorite small business doesn’t have a physical thing I can buy?

    I am SO glad you asked! Refer back to answers 1 & 2 if you’re stumped. If your favorite small business is something like a musician or podcast, go buy their music online! Attend a live show! Subscribe to their patron or other subscription based platform!

It is truly SO easy to help support small businesses and we are proud to be in a community that helps support us as well! Speaking of which, did you know that our official podcast, Paradox Jukebox, has merch?? Go click the link below to grab yours and check out our instagram page as well for some of our favorite small businesses as well!


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