New Music Friday: Fyre Byrd & Olivia Frances

We’ve hit refresh on the New Music Friday playlist and we’re featuring songs from sibling duo, Fyre Byrd, and Olivia Frances!

If you caught their episode earlier this week with Caitie on Paradox Jukebox, then you’re already familiar with this week’s featured song, ‘Control’ by Fyre Byrd. With their unique, eclectic sound, Fyre Byrd’s music is incomparable. While the duo hails from Australia, they’ve officially brought their talents to Nashville. Go stream ‘Control’, and get ready for them to take the city by storm!

Rounding out the playlist is ‘Breathing Room’ by Olivia Frances! Written with her friend and collaborator, Margie Hauser during the peak of the pandemic, Olivia states: “I remember the (writing) session feeling so therapeutic because I was really writing how I was feeling. I was working my day job, had booked too many Zoom writing sessions, and was just filling my days to the brim with music - to the point of overwhelm - to distract myself from the sadness and hardship of the pandemic”. ‘Breathing Room’ serves as a mantra for Olivia and her listeners; it’s a soothing, gentle reminder to slow down, take space, and get in tune with yourself again instead of plowing through life at full speed.

If you have music you’d like featured on the New Music Friday blog and playlist, submit your music to us in the contact section on our site!


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Paradox Jukebox Season 3, Episode 11: Fyre Byrd