NMF: Emily Myers, Marta Palombo and Lillicat

In the intimate ballad “Marilyn,” Emily Myers takes us on a very relatable journey of comparing herself to what is portrayed as “typical beauty” in mainstream media. By using classic Hollywood starlets like Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, and Judy Garland as examples of women who were labeled as “classic beauties” however, also famously endured physical and mental scrutiny. Myers takes us through an emotional inner monologue of wanting to look a certain way but also knowing that she is beautiful the way she is. By ending each chorus with “…and Marilyn probably felt the same way that I do,” she is taking a breath and calming her negative thoughts. This is a great song for anyone who needs a reminder that we all struggle with our own insecurities, however, we shouldn’t compare ourselves to “the TV screens and grocery store magazines.”

In the newest single “A Ghost” by Marta Palombo, this song paints a picture of the place where nature and emotions connect. Especially after a break up where you want to simply be and let the world pass by as you try to deal with the “ghost” of the person who’s no longer in your life. The production and Marta’s vocals take you to a fantasy world where you are now a part of the forest floor. Using the line “If I plant a seed, don’t wake me up until the break of Spring,” we learn this is not one of those break up songs where you find your way out of your emotion, you simply let the feelings happen and evolve while you process. 

 In Lillicats’s newest single, “Young Dumb,” the listeners are taken on a trip of living in the moment. This rock anthem paints the perfect visual of being broke in your early 20s, while also having the time of your life. This song makes you want to get up and begin living your life on the edge. Lillicat’s edgy vocals bring the song to life from the very beginning of the first verse to the very last line, “let's be young dumb wild and free.” If you need motivation to live your days more freely or to start your life all over again, scream Lillicat’s song along with her as she gives you the advice to “...give it a try.”


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