New Music Friday: Claire Radel & Becca Tremmel

Welcome to this week’s edition of the New Music Friday playlist! This week we’re thrilled to feature singles from Claire Radel & Becca Tremmel.

First up in the rotation is Claire Radel’s single, ‘Like You Love Me’! Whether it be romantic or platonic, we’ve all experienced an abrupt departure from someone we loved, seemingly out of nowhere. Perfectly captured in poignant lyrics like, “Something’s missing tonight/ I’m in your sweater but I feel colder”, Radel takes you through the rollercoaster of emotions that come when a relationship ends unexpectedly. Set against musical accompaniment that feels as calming, yet equally enveloping as an ocean wave, ‘Like You Love Me’ is bound to make every emotion wash over you, all in the span of three minutes. Press play and go feel your feelings, friend!

Closing out this week’s picks is ‘Wildflower’ from Becca Tremmel, freshly released today! The instrumentation evokes a nurturing gentleness, like a breeze lightly blowing through an open field on a sunny spring day. “Born with an innocence/ a need to fall in love/ She gives away every last petal/ and the weeds are killing all that made her special”; an allegory for the naïve, co-dependent ways so many people offer their love in youth, ‘Wildflower’ is a cathartic, cautionary tale against losing oneself in a world that can be harsh and jaded. Let Tremmel’s soft, warm vocals cradle you as you grieve the hopeful wildflower within that so desperately wanted to share its love and be loved in return.

If you have music you’d like featured on the New Music Friday blog and playlist, submit your music to us in the contact section on our site!


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