New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep: Vocalist Edition Part 1

It’s that time of year again when we’re all making promises to ourselves that ultimately…we may or may not keep. While we probably can’t help you lose those 5 pounds, and we definitely can’t help de-clutter your closet (from personal experience, I’ve tried. It’s simply not the job I was made for…), we CAN help you with some easy Musical New Year’s Resolutions you can actually keep!

Practicing at least 5 minutes/day

Sounds simple right? RIGHT! Especially when you’re a vocalist and you can literally take your instrument everywhere. The problem is taking the time to practice. I don’t know about you but when it comes to planning out my day and practicing, I get overly ambitious and schedule far more than is actually possible in the time that I have. With everyone’s busy schedules, there are ways to get your practice in, even if it’s just 5 minutes a day!

Simply by implementing something as simple as a warm up or a technical exercise in to your daily routine, you’ll get your practice in and improve your voice in the process!

For example, you can work on your lip trills while you get dressed in the morning, or do easy warm-up exercises in the shower (the steam does WONDERS for your voice and everyone sounds better in the shower anyway. It’s science.*

*it’s not.

You can also practice on your commute to work in your car (or, if you work from home like me, you can practice on your walk to and from your office!)

Implementing tiny warm ups and exercises throughout your day eventually add up! If you want to take it to the next level, allot 5 minutes in your day everyday, wherever you can fit it, and do your favorite exercises!

You can ask your voice teacher for some suggestions on easy exercises to do or to help you make a practice schedule to help you improve your voice this year or, you can sign up for private lessons with Music on The Move Studios and take your resolution to the next level!

Either way, you’ve got this! Stay tuned for parts 2-4 in the coming weeks.

Happy Practicing & Happy New Year!


New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep: Instrumentalist Edition Part 1


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