Live Looping Part 3: Learning To Subdivide, And Develop Your Internal Clock

Learning how to loop is hard, but it is especially harder if you haven’t spent time learning to count properly. It is really easy to get flustered with your looper if you’re not sure what beat to hit your loop pedal on that will actually trigger the loop in time.

First thing is first, you need to download a metronome app that has the capability to play the subdivisions for you. This is important so that you can hear what quarter notes, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes sound like when they are perfectly in time.

I’ve written out the order of notes as we learned them in our primary music classes in elementary school . It’s a great refresher!

In my instagram video, I cover lines three, four, and six. Once you go through these with me, and can tap your toe and follow along, try the triplets!

This is a great exercise for loop artists because it will train your brain on where beat one is, as well as helping you develop a sense of time in your feet, which is crucial so that you hit your loop pedal on beat one when it is time to engage the loop!

Happy Counting!


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