New Music Monday? Featuring the Latest Releases from Kristen Ford & Heather Cole

We’re bringing you the New Music Friday playlist on a Monday because Mother Nature decided to throw a temper tantrum last week and knocked out the internet for me and everyone within a 50-mile radius! Woo! Despite the delay, we’re adding two new singles from our friends, Kristen Ford and Heather Cole, this week! 

First off is Kristen Ford’s latest release, “White Man’s Dream”, co-written and produced by Ani Difranco. Never one to shy away from shining a spotlight on the severe discrepancies in our current social constructs as a country, or the vulnerable truths of the human experience, Kristen Ford is true to form in “White Man’s Dream”. Release is the simplest word I could use to describe this single. With music that evokes both involuntary happiness and body quaking frustration, and lyrics that encapsulate the lived experience of so many, listening to this tune is cathartic, to say the least. “White Man’s Dream” says it all, plain and simple.

As a valued alumni and friend of the Music on the Move community, we’ve known what a strong light and voice Kristen brings to the world. We’re beyond thrilled to congratulate her, not only on this release, but on the simultaneous accomplishment of being signed to Righteous Babe Records earlier this month. She’ll also be on the road supporting Ani Difranco on her Fall 2023 tour! Way to go, Kristen! Show Kristen some love and stream “White Man’s Dream” over on the playlist, and go see her on tour with Ani Difranco this Fall!

Rounding out the playlist is another MOTM friend, Heather Cole, with her single, “Whiplash”! This dance-pop tune will make you want to dance the pain away, as Heather shares the story of toxic love and an inescapable push-pull dynamic. Much like the love-affair in the story, “Whiplash” is just as addictive—you’ll want to press re-play until your body just can’t dance along anymore!

We’ll have more later this week, actually on Friday, from at least one of our showcase artists! In the meantime, stream “White Man’s Dream” and “Whiplash”, and make sure to get your tickets to the showcase at the link below! 

If you have music you’d like featured on the New Music Friday blog and playlist, submit your music to us in the contact section on our site!


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